Since 1993
Helping Those in Need of Shelter
We believe that shelter is a basic necessity of life. Shelter is comfort. Its a roof over your head. Its a place to sleep at night. Its a safe haven. Whether person or pet, shelter is a necessity. But not everyone has shelter.
Our mission is to support organizations that provide shelter for people and pets. While we're focused mainly in Los Angeles, many of the organizations we support have a national focus.
Check out our list of Charities We Support. You can donate directly to help these organizations too!

Why Shelter Helpers?
Shelters are important because they keep people from harm. Shelters give people a feeling of well-being and boost their will to live. Having a shelter is also a basic human necessity, in addition to food and water. Without shelters, people (and pets) become exhausted and often lose their will to live due to prolonged exposure to the elements.
Building Awareness
The first step in helping others is to be aware of their struggle. The second step, discovering a way to help. We do the research and share the organizations we find with you here. From animal shelters, to community service organizations, to programs that help the homeless get back on their feet, we are Shelter Helpers.
Who are we?
We're a group of 5th graders, motived to make a difference. With our parents help, we meet to discuss issues, we do research and list organizations we want to support on this site. We volunteer our time too. Homelessness is all around us in LA, we wanted to find a way to help. We also love animals and want to help animals find loving homes and shelter too.
We Love Nail & Bone
How cool is this? 20% of sales on all of Nail & Bone's non-toxic polish goes to support no kill pet shelters. Shop online today and support LA shelters!
Donate Today
You too can help provide shelter for pets or people. Even the smallest donation can make a difference.